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The Gathering

We were thrilled to have more than 90 people drop by and we thank you all for your enthusiastic participation. We gained valuable insights, made many new connections and had fun. We certainly hope you did too.

We are busy NOW considering the many comments and suggestions you made. We look forward to working together to decide actions.

A special thank you to all of our bakers who provided delicious cakes, to our Barista Boys Stuart & Roger and to Pat for hosting and looking after us all so well. Splendid work everybody.

Thank you to Rob for promoting the raffle during the event and to everyone who bought a ticket. We raised £93 to cover room hire and contribute to start up costs. The first prize, a hamper was won by Denise & Mark Bloomer, and bottles of wine were won by Fred & Valerie Graham and Linda & Tony Webster.

Your time and attention is very much appreciated and if you have further feedback please do not hesitate to share it with us.

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